Thursday, April 19, 2007

awful things.

gemath y: name awful things
gemath y: like rape, murder etc
whiite thrash: hahaha
whiite thrash: this is a swell game!
gemath y: yeah
gemath y: it is
gemath y: help me out
whiite thrash: math
whiite thrash: tsunamis
gemath y: it's for a joke
whiite thrash: sanjaya
gemath y: sanjaya is awesome
whiite thrash: poaching
whiite thrash: flying planes into buildings
whiite thrash: nuclear weapons
whiite thrash: concentration camps
whiite thrash: killing baby seals
whiite thrash: animal testing
gemath y: got those covered
gemath y: more
whiite thrash: human trafficking
whiite thrash: slavery
whiite thrash: HIV
whiite thrash: catheters
whiite thrash: sp??
whiite thrash: scott stapp
gemath y: you are so creative
gemath y: this is great
whiite thrash: accidents yielding paralysis
whiite thrash: uncircumcized penises
whiite thrash: popov
gemath y: no those can be fun
gemath y: popov?
whiite thrash: its a vodka
gemath y: oh
gemath y: is it gross?
whiite thrash: you can get a handle for
whiite thrash: 11.99
whiite thrash: plastic. not glass.
gemath y: ha
whiite thrash: so yes.
whiite thrash: anyway shall i go on?
gemath y: yes
whiite thrash: ingrown hairs
whiite thrash: (what is this for?)
gemath y: you'll see
whiite thrash: palestinian liberation organization
whiite thrash: imus
whiite thrash: urinal cakes
whiite thrash: (ewwww)
whiite thrash: root beer
whiite thrash: popcorn
whiite thrash: gangreen
gemath y: I can't believe you're putting urinal cakes and pocorn on the same level as concentration camps.

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